pipeline td visual fx
Maxscript Tools
Software Used: 3ds Max April 2021
Responsible for all aspects except underlying logic of Delete Duplicate Objects, Select Instances and Random Deselect
These are all tools written while at Alden Studios to improve the workflow in 3ds max. Other non-graphical batching scripts included: Asset Render: non graphical 3ds max render of scenes within a folder, outputs a shaded render as well as wireframe and can search for relinking asset paths and load a render settings preset. Batch image sequence to mp4: python script to run ffmpeg on an image sequence for quick mp4s.
© 2022
pipeline td visual fx
Maxscript Tools
Software Used: 3ds Max April 2021
Responsible for all aspects except underlying logic of Delete Duplicate Objects, Select Instances and Random Deselect
These are all tools written while at Alden Studios to improve the workflow in 3ds max. Other non-graphical batching scripts included: Asset Render: non graphical 3ds max render of scenes within a folder, outputs a shaded render as well as wireframe and can search for relinking asset paths and load a render settings preset. Batch image sequence to mp4: python script to run ffmpeg on an image sequence for quick mp4s.
© 2022
pipeline td visual fx
Maxscript Tools April 2021 Software Used: 3ds Max Responsible for all aspects except underlying logic of Delete Duplicate Objects, Select Instances and Random Deselect
These are all tools written while at Alden Studios to improve the workflow in 3ds max. Other non-graphical batching scripts included: Asset Render: non graphical 3ds max render of scenes within a folder, outputs a shaded render as well as wireframe and can search for relinking asset paths and load a render settings preset. Batch image sequence to mp4: python script to run ffmpeg on an image sequence for quick mp4s.